Jan 5, 2020

Remote Technician™

A game changer for the MPS industry


In the digital age, the ability to connect remotely to a device’s embedded webserver (EWS) is increasingly vital. It’s a requirement that caters to our need for speed, efficiency, and the ability to control and manage devices from anywhere. This is where Remote Technician comes in. This tool has been designed to offer swift and effortless connection to any device’s webpage, doing so in less than five seconds. Yes, you read that right – in less than five seconds! Moreover, it is engineered to work ‘out of the box,’ requiring no intricate network or firewall configurations.

Embrace the Power of Remote Access

With Remote Technician, you can swiftly access a device’s EWS, allowing you to control and manage the device as if you were right there. Its broad range of capabilities includes restarting the device, upgrading firmware, viewing the front-panel, and changing settings. These features are indispensable in an era where remote management and control are more the rule than the exception.

Understanding Permissions

The Remote Technician feature in Print Tracker Pro’s web interface employs fine-grained role-based access controls. Two key roles are attributed to this feature: the Remote Technician Configurer and the Remote Technician User. The former grants a user the ability to enable or disable Remote Technician for devices under their management. The latter role enables a user to utilize the Remote Technician feature on enabled devices. Once a user has been assigned the Remote Technician Configurer role, they can turn on or off the Remote Technician feature for any device.

Uncompromising Security

Remote Technician has a robust security profile. The system behavior, once an authorized user initiates a Remote Technician session, has been designed to uphold stringent security standards. From using mTLS GPRC to send a message securely to verifying the mac address or serial number of the device, to initiating a persistent TLS connection to the Remote Technician server, every step is secured.

Moreover, Remote Technician uses OAuth 2.1 PKCE token exchange and ensures a secure transfer of requests over TLS between the device and the user’s browser. Restricted Cross Origin Resource Sharing and a strict Content Security Policy are applied to traffic, thereby limiting lateral movement by any malicious device and eliminating any potential for cross-site request forgery.

Session Management and Auditing

Each Remote Technician session has a maximum duration of 30 minutes, after which a new session must be created. For auditing purposes, each session is represented as an Open Device Webpage job, and the complete HTTP access logs for the session can be viewed under the Jobs tab.

In Summary

Remote Technician is a groundbreaking tool that enhances our capacity to connect and interact with devices remotely. With a mix of Role Based Access Control, OAuth 2.1, TLS, and a strict Content Security Policy, it’s a tool that amplifies capabilities while maintaining a top-tier security profile. Harness the power of Remote Technician and elevate your device management and control to new levels.