Jul 11, 2021

Harness the Power of Data with Custom Reports

Every business has unique needs, and Print Tracker's custom reports provides ultimate flexibility.


In the business world, having access to the right data is akin to holding the key to the treasure chest. It allows you to answer essential questions, make informed decisions, and, ultimately, drive your business forward. To unlock this power of data, Print Tracker introduces its custom reports feature. It is a tool designed to let users explore their data, create personalized reports, and save them for future reference.

Versatility at its Core

The custom reports feature supports various types of reports, including device, install, and meter reports. This versatility lets you zoom in on specific facets of your business, offering insights tailored to your unique needs.

Behind the scenes, the feature employs SQLite, a light yet efficient SQL variant, to help you build and customize your reports. With SQLite at your fingertips, you can effectively manage, manipulate, and make sense of your data, leading to more precise, data-driven decisions.

Empowering Users with SQL

The secret behind the customization ability of Print Tracker’s custom reports is the Structured Query Language (SQL). This programming language enables you to access, retrieve, and interact with your data. Whether you need to select and filter specific information, sort and group data, or perform complex calculations, SQL becomes a powerful and user-friendly companion on your data exploration journey.

Flexibility and Convenience in Reporting

With Print Tracker, you can run ad-hoc reports for those times when you need quick access to specific information. But that’s not all. Recognizing the need for regular, scheduled reporting in business scenarios, Print Tracker also lets you attach schedules to your custom reports.

Whether it’s a monthly billing report or a quarterly performance analysis, you can set the interval, choose the time of day, and decide where the report should run. The system then takes over, automatically generating and emailing the report to you. So, instead of manually running a report each time, you can have the most current data delivered directly to your inbox.

An Ever-Growing Palette of Options

Currently, Print Tracker’s custom reports support over 450 different page count columns and more than 375 different supply columns. What’s exciting is that we’re constantly adding meter-related columns to our custom reports. This means the list of supported columns is always growing, expanding your possibilities and enabling you to delve deeper into your business’s operations and performance.

In essence, Print Tracker’s custom reports feature is more than just a tool - it’s your strategic ally in navigating the sea of business data, helping you uncover the pearls of insights that drive your business success.