Aug 7, 2013

Automated Sales Quote Generation for Efficient Toner Ordering

Discover how Print Tracker's Data Processor integrates with e-automate ERP system to automatically generate sales quotes for toner based on low toner alert information, streamlining the toner fulfillment process and boosting profitability.


Print Tracker dealers who have invested in the Data Processor and are using the e-automate ERP system can now have sales quotes for toner automatically generated from low toner alert information gathered by Print Tracker.

“With this Print Tracker Data Processor option, toner fulfillment time can be significantly reduced,” said Print Tracker Sales and Marketing Director Brian Dawson. “This is a GREAT money-making software upgrade.”

“The Print Tracker Data Processor looks up the equipment in the e-automate database, finds the toner that needs to be shipped, and prepares a sales quote that can be quickly converted to a Sales Order,” Dawson continued.

If the necessary toner cartridge information is not found, an exception alert email is generated and sent to the supply fulfillment team so corrective action can be taken.

For more information about Print Tracker and this value added feature, please contact:

Print Tracker
Sales and Marketing
(866) 629-3342 ext. 2

About Print Tracker

PrintTracker™ is an MPS software solutions company. Print Tracker provides simple-to-install, intuitive-to-use MPS software solutions for the imaging device industry. Tools include meter gathering software, advanced deployment options, fast meter capture, alert generation, service and meter viewers, customized reporting, an adaptable TCO Estimator, integration of meters and alert information into a wide variety of ERP systems, and automated supply fulfillment.